It was Friday when Friendster unveiled its new look after its launch at the Boni High Street. The new Friendster looks simpler and better. With the new horizontal navigation on top showing important pages like Home, Profile, Friends and Photos, the new friendster is now more user-friendly.
The new friendster's shoutout loads faster than the old one. It reminds me of Facebook's status updates that loads fast after you type in anything that's on your mind.This time, the new friendster wants you to shoutout and tell your ka-friendster "what you're doing right now..."
The new friendster is also rich in Gifts and Fun with lots of game applications. Let's just wait if Zynga will work with the new friendster to put their addictive game apps like Poker and FarmVille.
After this total makeover, will Friendster get back those users who switched to other Social Networking sites like Facebook? Will the new friendster users forget that smiling friendster emoticon favicon "friendster icon" and enjoy this new face of friendster? A lot of internet savvy is saying that friendster was already out of style or boring, will they appreciate this new look of friendster?
Here's the new friendster video.
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